
Master of Science in Management Engineering

Master of Science in Management Engineering

Offered by the Graduate School

Other Program Information

Program Curriculum

Pre-Requisite Courses

GS 500 – St. Thomas and Critical Thinking

As the philosophical foundation of Research Methodology, it is a study of the principles of and skills in critical thinking according to St. Thomas Aquinas in the three areas of mental cognition: simple apprehension, judgment, and reasoning; and of common fallacies towards the acquisition of the art of argumentation.

GS 501 – Research Methodology

The student is introduced to research concepts relevant to management engineering. Discussions center on how to prepare a thesis emphasizing choice of title, statement of the problem, sources of data, analysis, and evaluation of information gathered among others. The course output is a thesis proposal. Reviews the UST-GS Thesis Writing Guide Booklet.

Core Courses

MENG 601 – Applied Statistics

A study on the techniques in organizing, analyzing, and interpreting collected information and on the concepts of probability, random variables, discrete and continuous probability distributions, frequency distributions and descriptive measurements, sampling and sampling distributions, hypothesis testing, linear and multiple regression, and correlation.

MENG 602 – Industrial Organizations and Management

A study on the principles and practices of administration in an industrial setting including the nature of management, organization, planning, controlling the action and measuring results, management of human resources, communication, decision making, etc.

MENG 603 – Quantitative Approach to Management

A study on the concepts and applications of deterministic models such as linear programming, transportation and assignment models, network, waiting line, inventory, simulation and Markov analysis.

MENG 604 – Project Research & Development

A study on research concepts and methods relevant to business and industry. It focuses on the preparation of a project proposal and a project feasibility study emphasizing the identification of the problem, formulation of the statement of the problem and hypothesis, research methodology, sources and collection of data, analysis, and presentation of data, and, levels and details of preparing a feasibility study.

Specialization Courses

MENG 701 – Production and Operations Management

A study on the design, operation, planning, and controlling of productive systems in producing goods and services. It focuses on the theories, concepts, and techniques of forecasting, location planning, process selection, and capacity planning, facility layout, design of work systems, aggregate planning, inventory management, materials requirement planning, Justin-time, scheduling, waiting for line, quality assurance, etc.

MENG 702 – Human Resource Management

A basic course relating internal and external labor market concepts to organizational manpower planning in various institutional settings. Topics covered include manpower forecasting, career planning, executive development, and the impact of government, unions, and technological change on people and their utilization in the organization.

MENG 703 – Project Management

It is concerned with planning and controlling the use of resources as manpower, materials, facilities, technology, and information to accomplish the production objectives of an organization. Its major concern is to develop the students’ understanding of the design, operation, control, evaluation, and implementation of a project.

MENG 704 – Materials Management

A study on the concepts and principles in purchasing, storage, and movement of materials during production and with the distribution of finished goods. It focuses on the organization of materials management, purchasing and logistics functions, and their interfacing with other organizational functions.

MENG 705 – Value Analysis and Management

A study on the fundamentals, theories, systematic applications, and administration of value engineering and analysis. It focuses on function analysis and organized job plan, establishing a system, and an application of value analysis.

MENG 706 – Total Quality Management

A study on the integration of all functions and processes within an organization to achieve continuous improvement of the quality of goods and services with the goal of achieving customer satisfaction. It focuses on the integration of all organizational and management subsystems for seeking and exploiting opportunities for improvement at all levels.

MENG 707 – Systems Engineering and Analysis

A study on the theoretical and applied aspects of systems analysis, systems procedures, and methodologies. It focuses on system definition, conceptual design, test and evaluation, optimization, and design for reliability, maintainability, supportability, and manageability.

MENG 708 – Management Information System with Computer

This course presents a number of computer applications in various management disciplines from a planning and policy viewpoint. Specific applications include decision support systems, financial and marketing models, graphics and spreadsheet software, etc. Hands-on experience with computers and mainframe processing are emphasized.

MENG 709 – Strategic Management

An integrating course for all the major functions of management by studying the strategy and external posture of an organization design and process. It considers the organization design-in the process. It considers the organization in its totality from the viewpoint of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and centers on formulating strategies, implementing these strategies, and managing adversity. Organizing for strategic action is its overall concern.

MENG 710 – Environmental management

A study on environmental management, energy management, technology management, sustainable development, environmental/energy regulations, environmental impact assessment.

Summary of Program Requirements
Degree Requirements
Prerequisite Courses
Core Courses
Major Courses
Cognate Courses
Written Comprehensive Exams
   Thesis Writing I
   Thesis Writing II
   Thesis Writing III


Becoming Part of the Program



We are a Catholic institution of learning dedicated to advancing the frontiers of knowledge in the theoretical and applied fields through quality graduate education that is comprehensive and responsive to the needs of society.

We are committed to the formation of scholars and high-quality professionals who are ethical, competent, compassionate, and committed to the service of their respective professions, the Church, the nation, and the global community.


We envision a Graduate School that stands for excellence and innovation and that is globally recognized for its distinct degree programs and quality research outputs.

Goals and Objectives

The Graduate School commits itself to develop:

  1. Competent professionals who, inspired by the ideals of St. Antoninus of Florence, promote excellence in the production, advancement, and transmission of specialized knowledge and skills in the sciences, the arts, and community service;
  2. Scholarly researchers and creative thinkers who, kindled by St. Thomas Aquinas’s ardour for truth, aspire to become fonts of intellectual creativity and, in their quest for quality research, are proficient and critical in assessing and communicating information in various fields that impact the professions, the Church, the nation, and the global community;
  3. Professional Christian leaders who, touched by St. Dominic de Guzman’s apostolic fire and warmed by Mary’s motherly care, articulate ethics and truth, high level of moral maturity in resolving issues and promoting social justice and compassion for the poor, and care for the environment;
  4. Globally engaged citizens who, with ardent advocacy for life, promote a deeper understanding of tolerance and justice as well as linguistic, religious, and cultural diversities as a result of precise evaluation of modern problems and inquiries;
  5. Committed scholars who, nurtured by the dogmas of Christian faith and values, are dedicated to the pursuit of truth through the promotion of an intellectual culture that values academic rigor and freedom of scientific investigations; and
  6. Lifelong learners who, empowered by St. Antoninus of Florence’s zeal for learning, are committed to the advancement of a higher culture through a continuous search for intellectual inquiries and new knowledge as well as faithfulness to Catholic intellectual traditions.
Program Intended Learning Outcomes
  1. Enhance the capabilities of engineering faculty members and cadet engineers by updating them on the advances and recent developments in Engineering and Technology and by strengthening their comprehension of engineering principles.
  2. Pursue a practice-oriented program that will provide an opportunity for the students to industry exposure, real-life applications of the Engineering principles and technologies, and keep up with the recent advancements in technology.
  3. Also, students are trained to be future managers and leaders in the field of engineering management.
  4. The course also aims at life long learning, global competitiveness, and development of skills in Management Engineering.

Becoming Part of the Program


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Go toTHIS PAGE and look for the “Graduate School” tab for the tuition fees.